sexta-feira, junho 17, 2005

Nova versão peer-to-peer


Acaba de sair a nova versão de peer-to-peer que vem substituir o Kazza.

Chama-se Vivendda 1.0.

3 comentários:

Miguel Araújo disse...


Com este calor só podia ser assim seca :-)))))

Anónimo disse...

Nice blog site Blogger. While searching websites looking for filesharing software related info, I decided to try blog sites. Wow, there are so many of them it's amazing. I never heard of or knew what a blog was until last year. Now they're everywhere. And it seems like everybody but me has one. Anyway, I'm trying to improve my site at and was originally looking for relevant information I could use. Got sidetracked a lttle It was interesting. Thanks Blogger, Mike

Anónimo disse...

Hey Blogger, nice blog site. Seems everybody has one of these blog sites except me. Even my sister has one, but she just likes to complain about everything....and I really mean everything. You know, the world sucks, She started it after her boyfriend dumped her. Originally I started out searching websites looking for peer to peer related info to improve the traffic at my site; then I decided to try blog sites. There are so many of them it's unbelievable. I never heard of or knew what a blog was until last year. Anyway, I'm trying to improve my site at and was originally looking for relevant information I could use. Got sidetracked a It was interesting. Thanks Blogger, Mike


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